In keeping with our goals, Green Sea Transport will soon be rebranded as New Energy Shipping.

We have an investment opportunity. If you would like further information, without obligation, please contact us using the form at the end of our page.

Green Sea Transport: The Vision

First Step

The future of the SV Lo Entropy lies in utilising her technological sailing superiority (in comparison with the great sailing vessels of the age of sail) to build an emission free cargo transport mode. The Lo Entropy vessel has the advantage of having been designed to carry 50+ tonnes of cargo, and has a proven record in both this and passenger charter/transport. We wish to become the proverbial “green sea truck ” by proving that it is possible to be both a sustainable business (on a level playing field financially with other transport modes) as well as in terms of energy sustainability by using renewable energy, in this case wind, as our main motive power to move cargo.

Why is this Important?

The World and particularly the EU has realised that climate change is the great challenge of our time. We are fast reaching environmental tipping points from which there will be little chance of recovery for the world and climate as we know it. Businesses everywhere appreciate that carbon dioxide from the use of non-renewable fuels is one of the main emissions causing climate change and are acting to decarbonise their supply chains. In the EU, transport emissions from both freight and passenger services contribute a sizeable amount, emitting some 20% of all EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions of which 93 to 95% are Co2 emissions. Freight transport accounts for at least 30% of all EU Transport emissions alone.

Part of the Solution

In comparison to other freight transport mode emissions, the Lo Entropy is virtually emissions free as it uses wind for it's propulsion other than when entering or departing harbour (the propeller is used mainly as a water generator, for powering the hydraulic onboard system; self steering pump/winches and energy generation). Even using approx. 10 litres of biodiesel per 24 hours (mostly for heating in winter), the ship's emissions per ton/km are substantially less than all other fossil fueled cargo transport. It's main competition, road freight transport, emits approximately 62g C02/tonne-km whilst Lo Entropy sail/wind powered transport emits approximately 2.13g CO2/tonne-km.

SV Lo Entropy:

-Designed/Built to carry 52 tons cargo under sail

-Minimal crew (3) needed for sailing & cargo operations

-Low cost design & simple to replicate

-Worked as cargo sailing vessel to and in Caribbean

-Worked as charter sailing vessel (EU and E Africa)

-Refurbishment underway to carry 76 Euro pallets + 12 passengers and 3 crew

-To renew and upgrade the vessel where needed

-Propulsion: Sail with an e-motor and diesel engine for auxiliary propulsion

- Part of refit aim is to lay the basis for the installation of a Hydrogen system whereby the vessel produces hydrogen via renewable energy resources (hydro, wind, solar) whilst under sail, stores the hydrogen and uses it via a fuel cell for propulsion needs when needed.

What Needs to Be Done:


Lo Entropy is well on the way to being adapted for Short Sea Service. We are able to carry up to 52 tonnes of cargo (the equivalent and more of the average tonnage carried by two truck loads, 24 tons each) on 76 EU standard pallets (120cm X 80cm X 150cm). The vessel will operate as a commercial venture throughout the year.

A major factor in forging ahead with Lo Entropy’s conversion has been that in terms of cost, Lo Entropy can now easily compete with road transport freight costs per tonne/km, due in part to the increasing cost of fuel. In terms of journey times, these will be longer than standard ferry voyages, depending on distances and wind/weather conditions. Business’s should be willing to factor this time constraint into their operations and consider it an acceptable price to pay for a green, virtually zero emissions transport alternative to help reduce Greenhouse gas emissions from transport.

The Route:

»Regular, reliable alternating daily liner service between EU and Britain

» Ease of access to facilities at both ports.

» Far less congested road links for onward transport

» Great connectivity for UK & EU clients

Additional Routes:

There are many viable routes between smaller ports in the Channel, North Sea, Baltic and Med. Once the business model and vessel operations are validated, there is great potential to explore those, replicate the vessel design and scale operations.
Schedule: Daily service between Britain and EU


The Project: Offer and Goals

REAL GREEN TRANSPORT: not offsetting or greenwash.

ZERO CARBON GOAL: “No Fuel, No Emissions” Wind + Hydrogen concept

READY: Fulfil the goals of EU “Green Economy” once refit completed, due to start operations in 2022.

EU SUPPORT: Partly EU funded as Partner in EU North Sea Dual Ports Interreg project

THE MARKET: Huge scope for growth due to supply chain GHG emissions awareness & regulation and public desire for green transport. The aim is to be competitive in the Road, RoRo & Short Sea (LoLo) transport markets, i.e., the EU/UK Euro pallet/container/truck transport markets (ship capacity = 76 Euro pallets = 2 x largest EU truck-trailer units or more than 3 x 40ft Containers in Euro pallets capacity)

CONVENIENCE: Able to utilise lesser used ports, easing port congestion and saving these ports and related EU transport infrastructure from gentrification. Present route option ensures EU and UK road vehicles and containers need not cross the North Sea/Channel resulting in savings for transport operators in terms of opportunity, bureaucracy and labour costs

OPERATIONS: Reliable, regular 365 day, non-stop operation (weather and other redundancies built into timetable/planning).

AFFORDABLE: Competitive with all transport modes based on the cost per ton/km below 150NM within the EU. Lower to equal cost with present proposed route options, despite being low to zero emissions transport

Additional investment is needed to make sure the Lo Entropy’s conversion to its new role is of an excellent standard and to assist with the set of operations.

Should you be interested in either providing cargo or investment, please use the Contact Us to get in touch or direct email to Captain Geoff Boerne:

Get in touch.